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Group Dentistry Now Show: The Voice of the DSO Industry

Aug 31, 2020

Dr. Rodney Alles, Partner & Chief of Clinical Operations for DECA Dental, Dr. Parth Patel, CEO of Smile Culture Dental and Melissa Marquez, COO of Jarvis Analytics are the panelists that discuss KPIs, dental practice analytics and secrets to the best performing clinical teams on GDN's DSO Study Club series.

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Aug 15, 2020

Two technology experts discuss how technology was leveraged during the shutdowns, how it was utilized during the reopening process, and how it is being used now.  The group discusses technology challenges and how to position your DSO to fully recover from the economic impact of the pandemic. We highlight what is...

Aug 5, 2020

The production of aerosols and spatter in dentistry is one of the biggest concerns regarding the spread of potentially infectious material among both dental professionals and their patients. Now, more than ever, infection prevention is at the forefront of all our minds! Tina Punton from Zirc Dental Products explains how...